
John Pompetti’s paintings and works of art all share elements of pop art, graphic art and contemporary art. His images are colorful, whimsical, and radiate a playful energy.

To learn more about John’s inspirations and style, visit the about page. To discover more details and background information about a particular painting, go to the blog section. You may leave comments on the blog, but if you’d rather send John a personal message, use the contact page.

Selected Paintings

  • HatHat
    Pop art painting from photo “Hat”. This painting …
  • Piece Of CakePiece Of Cake
    This painting is called “Piece Of Cake”. It …
  • ArachnopopiaArachnopopia
    This painting is entitled “Arachnopopia”. It’s about fear …
  • Jack#2Jack#2
    Pop art painting original “Jack#2”. This painting is …
  • SuperbSuperb
    The name of this painting is called “Superb”, …